RVO - Is this expected behaviour?

So I am using the RVO controller on multiple gameobjects, via the AIPath script.
I would like to be able to get these gameobjects to follow the player object.

While this works to some degree, when the following objects are all aiming at the same, or very close location, they stay as far apart as the RVO radius allows, but continue to push against each other fighting to get to the same spot.

This doesn’t seem any different to when no RVO is employed, except they have the RVO bubble around them. Without RVO in place, the objects collide and fight in the same way, just against each others’ colliders.

I am not sure if there is additional work required to make them behave more intelligently, or if I have misunderstand how RVO works out of the box.

Ideally what I would like is for them to stop and wait for the way to be clear before proceeding. I have seen this and queuing behaviour in narrow paths elsewhere and wondered if RVO in AStar is able to reproduce this logic?

Thanks for any clarification…

Does no one have any advice on getting RVO to wait until it is able to move when blocked?


Sorry, RVO applies only local avoidance, i.e it relies only on local information like how the agents in its vincinity is moving. It does not apply any higher logic to it. For more complex logic, you would need it to consider more global information. I am working on such as system for grid graphs: http://arongranberg.com/2015/06/cooperative-pathfinding-experiments/

For group movement I suggest that you pick the target points for the group in advance so that they will not overlap, this will give you much nicer group movement. For example you could pick points in a circle around the target.

Hi thanks for response.

Picking target points in an area to avoid collisions at destination isn’t going to be feasible if the agents are being fed the same destination point along a path via AIPath.

Looks like the co-operative solution is a big leap forward but obviously not something I can use at this point.

Anyone able to point me in the direction of an alternative solution to allow multiple agents to follow player without fighting each other on the way?