RandomPath doesn't use nnConstraint.graph to constrain nodes search

I found that RandomPath doesn’t use nnConstraint.graph to constrain nodes search. It seemed counterintuitive to me. But this fix seems to work:

if (nnConstraint.graphMask == -1 || nnConstraint.graphMask.Contains((int)node.GraphIndex))

public override void OnVisitNode (uint pathNode, uint hScore, uint gScore) {
	// This method may be called multiple times without checking if the path is complete yet.
	if (CompleteState != PathCompleteState.NotCalculated) return;

	if (gScore >= searchLength) {
		if (gScore <= searchLength+spread) {

			// Use reservoir sampling to pick a node from the ones with the highest G score
			if (rnd.NextDouble() <= 1.0f/nodesEvaluatedRep) {
				var node = pathHandler.GetNode(pathNode);
				if (nnConstraint.graphMask == -1 || nnConstraint.graphMask.Contains((int)node.GraphIndex))
					chosenPathNodeIndex = pathNode;
					chosenPathNodeGScore = gScore;
		} else {
			// If no node was in the valid range of G scores, then fall back to picking one right outside valid range
			if (chosenPathNodeIndex == uint.MaxValue) {
				chosenPathNodeIndex = pathNode;
				chosenPathNodeGScore = gScore;

			OnFoundEndNode(chosenPathNodeIndex, 0, chosenPathNodeGScore);
	} else if (gScore > maxGScore) {
		maxGScore = gScore;
		maxGScorePathNodeIndex = pathNode;

Is it ok or is there better solution?


That is correct, and as designed, though I agree it’s a bit counterintuitive, especially for this path type.

The RandomPath only uses the graph mask to choose where to start the search.

You can also, if you want, pass a custom ITraversalProvider implementation to the path.
See Agent-Specific Pathfinding - A* Pathfinding Project

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Thanks for hint with ITraversalProvider, I will just add

public bool CanTraverse(Path path, GraphNode node)
    if (path is RandomPath)
        if (path.nnConstraint.graphMask != -1 && !path.nnConstraint.graphMask.Contains((int)node.GraphIndex))
            return false;

    return DefaultITraversalProvider.CanTraverse(path, node);