Procedural sphere pathfindin

Hi !

I’m currently trying to create a kind of planet, where some units could walk on. For now I tried the Point Graph method, so I placed nodes etc. But now, first I don’t see any links (blue line) between them, and I’m wondering if adding nodes at run time updates the graph.

Any ideas / suggestions (on configs) ?

Thank you


If you are adding new GameObjects to the point graph during runtime you need to recalculate the graph to take those into account. You can recalculate the graph using;

Yes thank you, I was about to edit my post to say that I spotted that. Working well.
Now I’m trying to figure out if I must change the Max Distance, should it be the distance between two nodes or the max distance a path can be ? :-/


The distance between two nodes.

Is it something bad to have a value bigger than actual possible distance between 2 nodes ?
I mean if I put 10 but the max distance between two of my nodes is 2, is there any useless stuff performed ?

Yes, it will perform a lot of redundant raycasts when scanning the graph. It has no impact after the graph has been scanned however.