Path Length 4 but vectorPath = 1?

Hello, I am trying to get a character to get a new path by following the beginner tutorial. In the console I see

“Searched Nodes 6 Path Length 4” but the character does not move nor do I see a path gizmo drawn.
I inspected the following code…
// If our current waypoint is the end of the path, find a new path. if(path.vectorPath.Count <= currentWaypoint + 1) { FindTarget(); return; }

And found that vectorPath.Count = 1, meaning that there is only 1 waypoint in the path and we are perpetually reaching the end of the path and generating new paths and instantaneously reaching the end of those paths.

What would cause this?


Are you sure you wait for the path to be completed before you query the length of the vector?
Are you using any modifiers? Modifiers can modify the vectorPath.