Out Of Memory Error

I’m attempting to generate a Recast Graph on a large terrain (2000 x 2000), which is causing the following error:

My recast settings:

Note that the cell size is probably on the small size, but it was necessary to avoid holes in the navmesh for slopes on the terrain.

Are there any other ways to get the navmesh generated? Reducing the size of the scene (from 2000 x 2000) really isn’t an option.


A voxel rasterization grid of 10000*10000 is huge, which is why you are getting the OOM exception. You could try downloading the latest version which has support for tiled recast graphs, they were especially made to solve the issue of large worlds. With a tiled recast graph, only one small tile will be calculated at once instead of the whole world at once, this reduces the memory usage A LOT.

Thank you – I’ve upgraded and the tiling stuff works great.