Navigating around a cube

Hey artist here starting to dabble with this stuff for a personal project hopefully someone will be able to help.

I am looking into having a character navigate around a cube able to use all 6 faces. Any tips on the best way to approach this. I have set up a point graph and the character will look for selected tiles but I am not sure how to get it so it uses the other sides of the cube currently it will only move along the top surface. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated



That might be hard.
The easiest solution if you don’t need really large graphs is to use a point graph and place points on all sides of the cube. Make sure they connect at the edges of it.

Hi Aron that’s how I have set it up and using the seeker script it does create a path to where it needs too. My issue is trying to get the character to actually go on the sides of the cube so it can continue to follow the path right now it will just stop on the edge of the top surface


Does the path look correct (Seeker -> Show Gizmos)? or does that also stop near the edge of the cube.

The path carries on even though the character stops. right now the cube is made up of tiles which I have tagged and using them to generate the point graph

Ok, well then the pathfinding is at least working correctly however the included movement scripts are not written to support movement on cubes (for obvious reasons). I am not totally sure what the best way is to implement that. You could probably do some math to figure out on which side a specific point was, and then try to align the character with the ground on that side.