Nav Mesh Cut Deletion Not Detected

We are trying to remove man mesh cut objects from the scene and have the recast graph update itself to reflect this. However, we have found the only way to get the nav mesh to update and repair the cuts is to add another cut to the mesh somewhere else.

Is there some way to have nav mesh cut objects notify the mesh to update when they are deleted? Or does anyone have any workaround for this?


Found the bug.
I have fixed it in the latest beta (3.3.13)

Thanks, sadly we can’t update to 4.3 as there are rendering bugs that cause our project to cease functioning, I suppose that the only beta that will be updated going forward will be the 4.3 version?


I was only using 4.3 to fix some UI glitches in that version. I have now migrated back to using 4.2.2.