Move nodes in grid graph (to the hexagonal graph)

Hi Aron,

First sorry for my English, I’m from Russia.
Now to business. I’m creating a 2D project, uses this pathfinding (this is really cool!), and grid graph to find the path realtime. My game designer says that he wants to be moved as the units invisible hexes. Can I change the position of the graph point?
What do I need. The grid connections equal to six. In the even rows of squares to make the connection from right to left, in the odd left to the right, and move every odd number of grid points at half the distance between the nodes in the left.
If I correctly imagine, then turn the hexagonal grid. I tried to create a custom graph, on your instructions, but after creating a class heir he does not appear in “add New Graph.” In addition, all the functionality suits me, I would just move the point.

Thank you in advance, Victor.


Sorry, but I don’t understand exactly what you are asking. Could you elaborate?

look, I need to change the grid graph.

how can I do it?


Download the latest beta then in the grid graph settings, change the “Neighbours” setting to “Six”. A button should pop up below which will adjust the rest of the settings to fit a hexagon graph. It will not do it in exactly the way you describe it, but it will be a hexagonal graph.

OK, this is what I need.
Thank you so much for such a quick answer, I was able to customize everything!


Great that you got it working!
Note that 3k*1k = 3000000 nodes is going to use quite a bit of memory.