Lose serialized graph data when upgrading

I just updated to the latest version of the pathfinding package but I’ve lost the graph data from some of my levels. It just gives me one or two errors when I select the AStarPath game object in the scene:

  • “There are no graphs in the scene”

  • “BadReadException: bad read of entry meta.json from compressed archive.
    Pathfinding.Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry._CheckRead (Int32 nbytes)”

This also happened with the last upgrade a couple months ago too.

Some levels seem to upgrade the data successfully and I receive the ‘trying to upgrade path data’ message, but what can I do to preserve the data in the other levels during upgrades?


Serialized graph data (nodes and stuff) is not guaranteed to be forwards or backwards compatible, however settings should be.
Do you have a backup of your project right after you have upgraded (but not yet opened your scenes) or before you upgraded which you could send to me so that I could try to find the bug that is causing this?

Yep I have a build prior to installation. Email me — luke@cloudscapegames.com — and I’ll send you a private link to get access to it Aron.