LevelGridGraph: Can walk from lower to higher area with height difference > maxClimb

hi Gang, this is a test setup:

  1. The red quad (4x4, “balcony”) is 1 unit above the larger brown quad (ground).
  2. My maxClimb is set to 0.1.
  3. As you can see, there are no connections between the ground nodes and the balcony nodes.
  4. The nodes under the balcony are unwalkable because my character height is set to 2

Now, if I try to path from the ground the balcony, I’m still given a path: http://screencast.com/t/Hy517FxzQjjy
How do I prevent it from returning a path if two layers differ in height greater than the maxClimb?


Try setting Seeker -> Start End Modifier -> End Point to ClampToNode. That will make it stop when it cannot go any further.

( I really should make that the default value )

maxClimb and maxSlope MIGHT be the issue here, try setting maxSlope to a lower value…

But from the looks of your screen shot, the problem seems to be with the “balcony” not having collider set up right… Could you take some screen shots of both the A* pathfinding and collider setting??

Thanks, I’ll check out all those suggestions. As for you, Aron: http://screencast.com/t/4JECwkCeo9 :smiley:
