Documentation on runtime graph updates states: “Point graphs will call Apply on every node inside the bounds and also, if GraphUpdateObject::updatePhysics is set to true (default true), it will recalculate any connections which passes through the bounds object.”
As I inspect the code related to my point graph, I can’t see how GraphUpdateObject.Apply() ever gets called. I can see a couple of other graph types call it, but not point graph. The other graphs implement “IUpdatableGraph” which has an UpdateArea(GraphUpdateObject) method that calls guo.Apply(), but PointGraph is not an IUpdatableGraph.
Is PointGraph just not yet implemented? What am I missing?
Point graph updating is only available in the pro version of the A* Pathfinding Project.
I will clarify that it is in that section of the documentation (it is also listed here: )
That the RevertFromBackup has a NotSupportedException is a bug. It is some development code that I forgot to change back. I was notified about this a week or so ago.
Here is the code it should have:
`/** Reverts penalties and flags (which includes walkability) on every node which was updated using this GUO.
Data for reversion is only saved if #trackChangedNodes is true */
public virtual void RevertFromBackup () {
if (trackChangedNodes) {
if (changedNodes == null) return;