Implementing 'special' nodes


I have a Navmesh graph I’ve created myself. I want to have the ability to jump up to a wall - at the minute there’s two separate areas on the nav mesh, one that is above the other. I can think of two ways to do this:

  • Link the nodes using a connection and have a special path interpreter which will look for an elevation over a set amount (45 degrees, say) and convert that bit to a jump, or
  • Have a special node in the middle which they are both linked to which is tagged in a specific way

I don’t like the interpreter looking for an elevation change since it feels a little… imprecise. :slight_smile: But it seems like the best option. Unless there’s a better way?


You could exploit the tag which can be set for each node. This would however require that there is a node in the middle which you can set the tag on (using e.g GraphUpdateObjects). This is a bit messy, so I think the easiest solution for you is to, as you suggested, check for a change in elevation.

Or, since you said there were two distint areas of the graph, you could tag areas with different tags, and then check when following the path when the tag changes. When it changes you know that the unit should jump.