Basically, our game world is made up of 9 terrain tiles at a given moment. Once you reach a certain point, 3 more tiles will be added to the side you are walking to, and 3 will be removed behind you. This means that our game world in a sense is always moving in some direction. I wanted to ask two things.
A. Is it possible to manually call SnapForceBoundsToScene from somewhere? (we are currently using javascript for the rest of our game, so hopefully this is possible from a cs script in the plugins folder)
B. If that is not possible, can we manually update the center of the graph in some way?
If both are not possible, any suggestions to get around this issue would be great.
We really would like to use recastgraph instead of something like a navmesh graph where our 3d team would have to go in and create the meshes themself.
In relation to that, my final question has two parts, and relates to a deep crater we want creatures to walk through.
C. I know it is possible to export the mesh under RecastGraph, but can I attach this navmesh created, to a prefab of 1 tile. Then proceed to use NavMeshGraph on that specific tile (using the file we exported)? I guess a better way of putting it is this. Can we add this mesh, GameObject with AstarPath attached, and any other variable I am forgetting to a prefab, and still have it work once it is loaded into the gameworld along side the other 8 tiles?
D. If the answer to C is true, then is it possible to have a general recastgraph covering all 9 tiles) PLUS the graph we attached to the 1 terrain tile where there is a small deep crater that needs special attention (something that the general recast over the 9 tiles can’t handle)
If you know of a better way to handle these few spots that need special attention or if you know of a way to tweak the recast variables to cover the crater as well please do
Thank you for your time and effort you put into all of this,