Hello all! I was wondering how it’s possible to account for different pathfindings for units of different sizes? Or rather, how do I account for the size of the unit who’s path is being calculated?
For example, the much smaller eye unit in the image below should be able to approach the small black rock on a much closer distance rather than take the same path as the big eye to avoid collision with the rock. (I know the path would probably be the same either way in the example below, but suppose the path runs around the rock, etc…)
For grid graphs there exists a setting called erosion. There is also an option to make erosion use tags. That will mark nodes with a distance of 1 from obstacles with a specific tag, those with a distance of 2 with another tag and so on (up to some limit). You can then configure your seekers to only use the tags you want them to use (which would be all tags indicating an obstacle distance greater than their radius in your case).
See http://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/class_pathfinding_1_1_grid_graph.php#af156f09628f08d32091ea67e48e42b71
[EDIT] Also see https://arongranberg.com/astar/docs/multipleagenttypes.html
That worked perfectly! Thank you!