How to determine edge points

How do you determine if the point of the range graph is an edge point
How do you tell if this point is a point on the edge
I’d like someone to explain


Do you mean a node that has some unwalkable neighbours? Or do you mean a node on one of the 4 sides of the grid graph?

I’m not the OP, but let me hijack this post for a similar question that would answer the OP’s question…

Suppose that we have a bunch of nodes forming that blob pattern (gotten, for instance, with PathUtilities.BFS), and we want to find all the nodes in the edges of the blob pattern, so we can create a path out of them (or test if it’s an edge point like the OP wanted).

I guess we can traverse all nodes and find which have unwalkable neighbours, but is there a function that does that already?
Preferably one that maintains the edge nodes sorted so that we can easily create a path (series of waypoints) out of it?

The main purpose for my game would be to improve the patrol path of some NPCs, which is currently calculated using a circular pattern, but would be nice if we can fit it into tight spaces, like corridors, etc.

There’s nothing like that exactly, though you might be interested in