How to change pathfinding target on click of a button?

I am trying to learn unity scripting, today I tried pathfinding using Aron Granberg’s pathfinding kit (free version).

If I set the target before playing the scene, the object successfully follows the actor, but what I wanted to do is that, when I click on GUI button, it should find the path for a Empty object which I have placed in the different part of the screen. I am not getting success this time.

Please help me to achieve the desired result.


using UnityEngine; using System.Collections;
public class GUI_Button : MonoBehaviour {
public GUIText lblMsg;
public Transform exitPoint;
AIPath ap;
void Start () {
ap = new AIPath();
lblMsg.enabled = false;
void Update () {
private void OnGUI()
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(15,15,100,50), "HELP ME"))
lblMsg.enabled = true; = exitPoint;

You can see the full thread over here :

Does the log say anything? (make sure you have enabled loggin in A* Inspector -> Settings -> Path Log Mode)

Give me 2 minutes, I will check it. By the way, is there any problem with the script I’ve written? If anyone can check the project. Its uploaded over here

Path Log Mode is set to Normal. I ran it once again, still same problem


Does the log say anything?
Still, does any messages pop up in the log that could be of interest?

You are creating an AIPath using the constructor.
Please do not do that. It is not the way Unity works.
Instead use ap = AddComponent();
See Unity - Manual: Creating and Using Scripts