How do you make a unit land directly on a target node?

I’ve been talking to Hiphish (the guy who made the the unity Grid Framework) about grids and pathfinding. After talking to Aron, Hiphish found a way to merge his grid with Aron’s grid graph. The result is simply beautiful. I can scale Hiphish’s grid to whatever size I like and in the exact centre of each tile is an A* node.

The reason I wanted to do this is I’m making a top down, 3D, turn-based RPG. During combat, I want movement to be restricted to the grid, and player stats to determine how far the player can move, how many tiles his weapon can reach etc.

The problem I’m having is that while the node appears in the center of the tile, the player stops before he reaches it. Ideally he would end up in the dead center of the tile. His transform should equal the node/tile transform.

Here is what it currently looks like:

Ok, I have found a way to do it but, like all my code, it’s almost certainly not the best way. When the player gets close to the node (<1.5f close), I activate a method that moves the player to the position I want him to be at. This approach seems clunky and forced and player sometimes slides very quickly in position… which looks crappy. I tried to paste the code but I’m not sure how to on this forum. I’m sure there’s a better way so please let me know.