GridGraph UnPassable Target Node

I have a problem which perhaps you can help with. In the terrain example if the target moves to an unreachable area, be it in the water, off the map or even inside the cube then the bot will get as close as possible then STOP.

In my project the AI will happily avoid unwalkable nodes on route to its target, however if the target itself is an unwalkable node it will walk right onto this node, not as close as it can get. Also if the only way to the target is through other unwalkables it will walk right through them. This looks strangely like the permissions/penalty system but I have no such SceneUpdate objects or areas set up, its purely with Cube Colliding obstacle with Box Colliders.

Any idea why it might be different to the Terrain Example? Is there another object in play that makes the AI get as close as possible but never passing unwalkable nodes?

My AI Logic is not inherited from AIPath but is closer to the Getting Started Tutorial.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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I really should mention this in the docs. I have gotten many question which were similar.
The problem is the Seeker component -> StartEndModifier values. Specifically for StartPoint and EndPoint. These are per default set to Original, to get them to snap to the nearest node, use ClosestOnNode or SnapToNode.

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Fantastic thanks for the quick reply!