GetNearest In GraphUpdate

Here is a bug: when GridGraphUpdateRegion,use GetNearest can’t get accurate answer.
This is the timing:
GridGraphUpdateRegion → GridGraph.UpdateTransform → GetNearest → GridGraph.UpdateNodes
Due to async, In GetNearest get graph.transform is new transform, use graph.nodes is old.
So get the graphNode is error.


Do you have some code to reproduce the issue?

I use ProceduralGridMover update grid graph.
GetNearest can get accurate answer when i close ProceduralGridMover.
The picture bug happen, I see ProceduralGridMover.updatingGraph is true.
So I think GetNearest.graph.transform.InverseTransform(position) is error, the graphTransform is new but graph.nodes is old.


Are you using the latest version of the package?
If you, have you tried upgrading. I think this has already been fixed.

Do you remember which version?
I want to see code.

No idea of which exact version, I’m afraid. The ProceduralGraphMover was rewritten for version 5.

Where can I see different new feature version 4 to version 5?
I am considering whether an upgrade is necessary.

Hi there, you can see the updates made in Version 5 here in this blog post, or read about the individual changes here in the changelog