Funnel Modifier skipping

Hi everyone,

I have a character that can climb walls and be upside down. The path is found normally and that is very neat, but the funnel modifier is skipping some spaces. Is there anyway to remove this type of behaviour?



The funnel modifier is strictly 2D it doesn’t care about the Y coordinates of the mesh. Generally with navmesh graphs it is generally better not to have any overhangs like that.

I have sketched out a funnel algorithm which would be able to solve this case by unfolding the path before it processes it (if you think of the path as a number of connected triangles, like origami, it would do the action analogous to unfolding the paper in origami). However I have not implemented this algorithm and I think it is quite tricky to do…

Thanks Aron! Great to have you back.
The smoothing helped quite a lot so I think this is not vital problem in the gameplay. However I have other problem that I posted I hope you can help me with that too.

Thanks a lot,

  • J