Forcing Strict Pathing When Necessary?

I am having a problem with my AIPath/RVO enemies cutting corners. In my game the enemies travel on narrow ramps (4 grids wide at .25f/grid). I have noticed that if the seek target moves around a 90 degree corner the enemies will cut the corner and fall off. I checked the paths and they look correct.

So my first step was to put in a raycast to detect a falling off condition and then divert the enemy back on course. This works fine with one enemy. But this seems to fail when more than one enemy is swarming around a corner. The RVO overrides my new steering vector.

What I really want is the ability to force the enemies to adhere strictly to a path when I need them too. Not sure if you have this kind of flag available (I have looked for many hours!) but if you could steer me in the right direction I would appreciate it. An even better solution would be for the node strict pathing to be set automatically when an agent it traversing along an edge.

Help is appreciated!


You can try this: