Dope Slopes and How to Setup

First, thank you so much for the amazing functionality of the free version! It’s great, and pretty heckin easy to setup.

I have the terrain set to default, but what do I do when I want something to be an obstacle AND something you can navigate on? Like this block with a slope.


Usually it is enough to mark the object as not being an obstacle and instead relying on the height difference to make sure no connections are formed. However sometimes this is not enough.
What you can do then is to use the ‘Offset’ field in the Collision Testing settings. The Offset field will move the capsule that is used for collision checks (or whatever shape is being used, capsules are the default) up or down for positive and negative values respectively. If you make the Offset field large enough then it will be checking for obstacles only above the ground, so it will miss the floor of the ramp but it will catch the edges of it. To figure out the correct value, just increase the offset value in small steps until the ramp is walkable. Make sure the ramp is also included in the Height Testing layer mask.