Checking End-Point and Performance Questions to Graph Types

Hi Aaron,

I’m using A* path for a while now, but to be honest I just used the standard waypoint system. Currently I’m using the Grid-Graph, so I’m not really deep into your asset. My Game is a 2D Game.

I’m having a big Map with 50 bots that are searching waypoints and send the next point they walk to through networking to other players (one player controls where bots walk). Now my problem is, I tell the AI to walk to a random point, which is AT THIS MOMENT synchronized via networking. If the bot doesn’t find a point he walks to, he will repeat the whole thing up to 10 times per second. Every of these commands is sent via networking to all players, which I want to avoid, cuz it uses too many networking-resources. I want the AI to first check if the point he wants to walk to is allowed, and only if yes - sync the next position. How can I check, if the position the bot walks to is allowed?

Furthermore, I’ve seen different graph-types. I’ve buyed A* pro but haven’t yet used the features because I don’t understand that stuff. Could I make the AI less performant-hungry, if I use another graph? Would it cost lest performance to use a Recast Graph? Will my bots find waypoints with it faster? If using it, can I keep the same Components on my AI and does everything then work the same way?

Thank you for your answers,


You might be interested in PathUtilities.IsPathPossible.

See PathUtilities - A* Pathfinding Project

In general recast graphs are faster to search, but slower to update. However, recast graphs don’t support 2D physics, so it might be a moot point for your game.

Essentially, yes. You might just need to add the Funnel Modifier if you are using a recast graph.