I’m trying to build an automated system to spawn NPCs ahead of the player, have them pathfind past the player until they’re out of sight, then de-spawn and repeat. I know I can get a reference to a node a specific distance away from the player with Node node = AstarPath.active.GetNearest (transform.positon, NNConstraint.Default);
, but looking at NNConstraint’s documentation I don’t see any way to check for line of sight. Is this functionality supported, or would I have to just continuously run GetNearest at the same distance until it returns a node that passes a subsequent LOS check?
No, that is not supported out of the box.
Good news is that you can extend it
public class MyNNConstraint : NNConstraint { public Vector3 target; override bool Suitable ( GraphNode node ) { return base.Suitable (node) && <line of sight check here>; } }
Perfect, thank you!!
This is much more esoteric and I didn’t find references to any related functionality in the docs, but is there a way to specify directionality when I’m searching for a node or assembling a path? Right now I’m abstracting “in front of”/“behind” the PC by grabbing a chunk of nodes and checking them against the player object’s facing, but I would feel silly if directionality was supported out of the box.
Not really, sorry.
It only uses the closest node by euclidean distance.
If you really want it I guess you could hack it by modifying the GetNearest method in the AstarPath.cs script.
Hmm okay, excellent- thank you again