Cache startup not saving node data

If I generate a cache (Save Node Data checked), and run my scene, the nodes (Node2) don’t work, if I untick cache startup and scan normally, the nodes work.

I need cache startup as I am deploying for mobile, so this is unavoidable? :frowning:

Using version 3.7.4 A* Pro, my character uses RVO Controller + RichAI, and using Recast + Point graph.


Yes, there is a known bug currently that NodeLink2 will not work with graph caches. A workaround for this is to loop through all NodeLink2s in the scene and call OnPostScan on them. Something like

var objs = FindObjectsOfType<NodeLink2>();
foreach (var obj in objs) obj.OnPostScan();

Thanks for the reply, where do I put this code exactly? :confused:


In any Start() method would work I think.