I’m a bit confused about the difference between the BFS() and ReachableNodes() functions in PathUtilities. I understand that ReachableNodes() uses DFS, but I’m mainly asking about the practical differences.
The docs say BFS “returns all nodes within a specified node distance which can be reached from the seed node”. So the nodes returned by BFS are all reachable, just like those returned by ReachableNodes, right? And they’re sorted by path distance from the seed, not the euclidian distance, correct? So then is there any practical difference in which nodes are returned by either function, or the order they’re returned in?
What’s the best way to get those path distances from the seed when calling BFS() or ReachableNodes()? If possible I’d rather not do a whole new asynchronous iteration calculating paths for each seed and result node.
Slightly un-related, but can I use ListPools outside of runtime? Other pooling systems I’ve used have been restricted to runtime so I wanted to make sure. I’m doing all of this outside of runtime, and am basically baking data that AI agents will query in-game, so I need to be able to create ListPools and then use them at runtime.