Best Practice for working with environment changes using a PointGraph?


I am using a Point Graph in an environment that has objects that need to be avoided moving around in random directions. What I have done is setup up a delayed refresh of the Graph and get a new Path, at a rate of my choosing, currently 0.1 seconds.

Is this the correct / most efficient way of doing this. Below is an example of my script. Thanks!:

//Need for A* component
import Pathfinding;

var nextWaypointDistance : float = 0.5; //Range to be within current waypoint before moving on to next
var currentWaypoint : int = 0;
var currentSpeedSetting : float = 0.1;
var NewPathRefreshDelay : float = 0.1;
var pathRefreshDelayIsOn = false;
var targetPosition : Vector3;
var dir : Vector3;
var seeker : Seeker;
var aStar : AstarPath;
var path : Path;

function Start ()
aStar = GameObject.Find("_A*").GetComponent(AstarPath);
seeker = GetComponent(Seeker);


function Update()

function GetNewPathUpdateDelay() //Delayed refresh of the path
if(pathRefreshDelayIsOn == false)
pathRefreshDelayIsOn = true;
targetPosition = GameObject.Find(“Target”).transform.position;
aStar.graphs[0].Scan(); //Rescan Graph 0 incase avoid objects have moved
GetNewPath(); //Note each new patch is given a new number for example “Path Number 21” - It might be useful to know!
yield WaitForSeconds(NewPathRefreshDelay);
pathRefreshDelayIsOn = false;


function GetNewPath()
seeker.StartPath(transform.position, targetPosition, OnPathComplete);

function OnPathComplete(newPath : Path) //The newly created path is sent over as “newPath” as type “Path”
path = newPath; //Set the path to this new one
currentWaypoint = 0; //Now the Path has been set, make sure we start at the first waypoint
} else {
print(“New Path Error”);

function FixedUpdate()

if(path == null)
 	print("No path!");

if(path != null) //This avoids null erros while path is being calculated 
	if (currentWaypoint >= path.vectorPath.Length) //reached end of path?
		print("End of Path");
	if(currentWaypoint < path.vectorPath.Length) //If NOT reached end of path then get direction and apply movement
		dir = (path.vectorPath[currentWaypoint] - transform.position).normalized;
	//Check if we are close enough to next waypoint
	if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, path.vectorPath[currentWaypoint]) < nextWaypointDistance)
	currentWaypoint++; //If we are proceed to next waypoint


Point graphs are really bad at handling this. You should use a grid graph instead (unless there is good reason to use point graphs). Check out the “Terrain” example scene. It includes two moving obstacles.