Basic question on 2D movement

So, I’ve been following the “Get Started” tutorial and making adjustments to account for my game being 2D (rotating the grid to angle 270, setting checking Use 2D Physics, etc.). I’ve made it to the point where I can get a green line to appear properly. However, attaching the AstarAI component to my object causes it to simply move downwards on the Y axis, rather than along the path. The same thing happens when I use the included AstarPath script. It looks like these scripts are intended for 3D “XZ” movement, correct? I’m somewhat new to Unity, and I assume there’s something very basic that I’m missing here in regards to movement, but as of right now I’ve been kinda stumped on how to solve this for the past couple of hours and would appreciate a bit of insight into what might be going on :slight_smile:


The included movement scripts are set up to assume that Y is the upward direction so they cannot be used for 2D (XY) movement at the moment. You will have to write your own script to do that.