AILerp Automatic Path Recalculation Issue

When setting Recalculate Paths Automatically to Dynamic in AILerp and the character is on top of the destination position it will create a new path every frame, I’m not sure if this is intended or just an unavoidable issue?

To recreate this issue I am using a Grid Graph with a width and depth of 11. There is a Plane object as the ground, an Empty GameObject with AILerp, Seeker, (defualt unity) Character Controller and AIDestinationSetter attached, another Empty GameObject is being used as the Target for the AIDestinationSetter.
When this Target’s transform is put to the positions (0,0,0) (0,0,1) (0,0,2) it causes a path every frame to be calculated. However (0,0,3) and (0,0,4) do not cause this behaviour which makes me feel this not intended

Screenshot of the Console

(sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere but I couldn’t find any posts about this)


This is indeed an edge case. I will fix it in the next beta update. If this happens, it will fall back to recalculating its path every maximum interval.

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