Adapting The Getting Started Guide To Unity 2D

Hi there.

I’ve been trying follow the Get Started guide while making some slight changes so it applies to the new 2D settings but I’m having some problems.

From what I gather there are only a few changes that should be made. Which were to rotate the grid 90 degrees, set the z positon to -0.1, and set the graph sizes on the x,y coordinates rather than the x,z. And check the 2D physics option. In short, my settings look like this:

However, when I hit scan, I get these strange horizontal lines. Like so:

I’m not sure what is going wrong here. It looks substantially different than what the grid graph in the guide looks like. Am I missing something? Are there specific changes that should be made to adapt the ‘Get Started’ guide for use with 2D on the XY plane?

Thank you

That is because by default, the graph has a Max Climb limit set on the Y axis. If you look in the inspector, you will probably see a warning which tells you that you should change the Max Climb axis or increase the max climb value.

PS: Sorry for the late answer, I have been away for a while and haven’t been able to answer many forum posts.

That fixed it. Thank you very much.