Hi, I’m considering switching my game over from Unity’s built-in pathfinding to A*, and I just had a few questions:
My AI uses Unity’s Nav Mesh Agent (of course), and behavior has been built around this component. Is it possible to generate a navmesh with A* and use it with a Nav Mesh Agent, or will I have to redesign everything to use a different component?
The primary reason I want to switch to A* is to be able to calculate navmeshes at runtime. I understand that A* is able to RE-calculate navmeshes at runtime, but is it possible for it to create pathfinding data for a level that’s been entirely created at runtime?
My level’s currently use Unity’s Nav Mesh Obstacle component for moving objects such as doors. Will A* require me to switch them to a different component, or will I be able to use runtime mesh recalculations to do this job, with a minimum of having to go back and change objects in levels I’ve already made?