I’m making a game in 3D space. I’ve got a pre-generated list of points from a grid I already have that I want to use to populate my point graph. In looking at the code in PointGenerator, I’m guessing the intended way to incorporate a list of points like this is to inherit from PointGenerator and overload Scan(), or am I missing something?
Also, if not using tags, what is the point of the GameObject list nodeGameObjects? Again, am I missing something?
The easiest way is to create a GameObject and put all your points as transforms which are children of that object. Then pass the parent object ( probably set it directly in the inspector ) as the “root” object on the point graph.
You can of course also overload Scan, but that is a bit more work. However it will be faster since creating gameobjects have some overhead.
The “nodeGameObjects” variable is not used currently, but it will be in the future.