3D Space Avoidance

I would like to be sure about one thing before I purchase this great looking product. Will the local avoidance implementation function as expected in a 3-dimensional environment?

My project is a Freelancer-style space sim. If I can provide the movement vectors for various objects (e.g. move npc spacecraft along its patrol) will the RVO Simulator/Controller handle making sure they don’t collide with one another (or other objects like asteroids)? I hope my question is clear. Again, this is all in 3D space with full motion on all axis. I am really hoping to avoid building this functionality all from scratch.



Sorry for the late answer.
3D space pathfinding is theoretically possible (I have actually built a pathfinder for 3D space before). The problem is that it uses HUGE amounts of memory and processing power so it is not really practical. If doing anything of the kind, I would build a very very lightweight version using as little memory as possible.

Now local avoidance in 3D space is possible practically, however it is not something which is supported by the project implementation. There are however other 3D local avoidance implementations I have seen (most in C++ though, so it requires porting).