Waypoint rotation Bug

Hi Everyone,

i use 5 Layers of Grid Graphs and the Units do a funny dance at the waypoints. Investigating in pause mode, the Waypoint looks like in this photo.

Please Help with an explanation or solution for the Bug.

Thank you in Advance.

no response so i assume i am the only one with that issue.


Sorry for the late answer.
What movement script are you using?
This kind of issue can sometimes happen if the ‘pick next waypoint distance’ field is set to a too low value because the unit may overshoot its target.
The setting ‘double buffering’ on the RVOSimulator may also contribute if you have that enabled because it adds a 1 frame latency to the actions of the agent.

Hey Aron,

Thanks for your reply.
I am using “Movement Script A Star” and CharacterController given by you. I removed the RVO stuff and set the “Next Wapoint Distance” to 12 with little success. Now the Soldiers even run back small distances.


“Movement Script A Star”? Do you mean the movement script that you write in the get started tutorial?
That movement script is very basic, it is mostly for understanding how the system works. There are other movement in the package that are more advanced, such as the AIPath movement script. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QT5Czfe0YE

Silly me

Thank you for your help