Using A* to replace Player (not AI) movement and basic questions

I’ve just purchased the Pro version of A*.
I know this is a super simple question to be asking, but oddly enough, most people who are using A* (at least the devs I know) are using it for AI only navigation. Now, my situation is a little different than normal, but not out of left field, either.

Currently, I’m working on an aRPG that is using only A* for pathfinding for both the player and enemies. However, after generating the navmesh, I get warnings, “Failed to create agent because there is no valid NavMesh”. Okay, but there is. I should say that I have a NavMeshAgent on my player and if I bake the Unity NavMesh, the player will move. Since I’m not familiar with how to create a NavMesh through A* that uses the NavMeshAgent a little guidance would be great.

An image with A* NavMesh built and console errors about no NavMesh.

To add to this issue I am having, when I generate the NavMesh it’s going up and down stairs fine, then it just… stops randomly.

Screenshot of NavMesh not generating.

Additional info: With my game, I’m using the layer “Ground” on layer 9 to specify walkable areas. NavMeshAgent just won’t move at all. I’ve placed the character above the NavMesh just to check and make sure they’re not spawning below it. I’m also using DunGen and all the levels are being completely randomized from tilesets.


The NavMeshAgent is a component specifically for Unity’s navigation system, it cannot work with any other pathfinding packages (such as this one). You should use the corresponding components that are included in this package, these are the AIPath/RichAI or AILerp components, which have some differences and are suitable for different games.

You can take a look at the get started tutorial for the package here:

I don’t have anything to add to Aron’s reply, just that your game looks great, and aRPGs are my jam :stuck_out_tongue: Got a twitter handle I can follow?