Super Huge Terrain

First of all, let me describe my project first. It’s an offline wargaming that had 400 terrain with terrain each size is 10.000x10.000 because it based on real world terrain. Resizing is possible but would affect any ratio and it had problem with terrain details like tree, grass and etc.

Object spawning along at any area with grid graphic within size 200x200. So each object has grid graphic and had procedural grid mover attached. Let’s says if I have ~150 object that is meaning I had ~150 grid graphic, how much does it takes when it comes at performance cost? Should I change to another graphic type?

I would also like to hear if you had any suggestion for that super-huge-terrain.

Any suggestion for this case would be appreciate :blush:


That’s a ridiculously large terrain. It’s almost twice the size of wales in the UK. I’m not sure what you need a terrain that large for.

In any case. 150 moving objects, each with a procedural grid mover would be very slow. It might work if only one is moving at a time (e.g. if it is a turnbased game).
… I don’t really have any other solutions for a world that ridiculously large. It is kinda out of scope for what this package tries to support.

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Exactly it’s too large, I’m negotiating with the modeller so we are agreed to split the terrain into chunks. We divided them and I got 1250x1250 terrain per chunks as result. Is 1250 small enough? Again, yes it’s way too big because they are about 1/10 real size country.

Because the terrain is smaller right now, can I load and unload some kind of graph dynamically? And what type of graph that you would like recommend in this case?

Back to the package, hey it’s really awesome rather than unity navmesh. I can achieve many things with this. I definitely would recommend this to my coworker.

A recast graph is really the only one that can handle graphs as large as that one, but unfortunately there is no built in streaming code in the package. You can save and load files from graphs however: