Suggestions how to get Transitions for Animation


in my 2D Top Down Game i have my hero controlled by moving to the “RightMouseClick”.

To make now animations for walking up/down/left/right is it possible to read any vector for the direction of the moving Character to get the right transitions for my animations ? I use the AI Path script …

How can i get the direction vector or are there any other ideas to solve this?

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You can subclass the AIPath script and set the animations from there.
Something like

public class MyAI : AIPath {
	protected override void Update () {

		if (Mathf.Abs(velocity.x) > Mathf.Abs(velocity.y)) {
			// Either left or right
			if (velocity.x > 0) {
				// Use 'Right' sprite
			} else {
				// Left
		} else {
			// Either up or down
			if (velocity.y > 0) {
				// Up
			} else {
				// Down

Thank you very much!