Some errors thrown in the game about claiming paths and pathfinding threads

I have 2 errors thrown in the game from deep within the plugin’s code, need to know if it’s ok and what can I do about it.
(I don’t get them all the time)

  1. Could not terminate pathfinding thread[0] in 50ms, trying Thread.Abort
    Pathfinding.PathProcessor:JoinThreads() (at Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/Misc/PathProcessor.cs:211)
    AstarPath:OnDestroy() (at Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/AstarPath.cs:1296)

  2. You have already claimed the path with that object ( (Seeker)). Are you claiming the path with the same object twice?
    Pathfinding.Path.Claim (System.Object o)
    Seeker.OnPathComplete (Pathfinding.Path p, Boolean runModifiers, Boolean sendCallbacks)
    Seeker.OnPathComplete (Pathfinding.Path p)
    Pathfinding.Path.ReturnPath ()
    Pathfinding.Path.Pathfinding.IPathInternals.ReturnPath ()
    Pathfinding.PathReturnQueue.ReturnPaths (Boolean timeSlice)
    AstarPath.Update ()

PS: 1st problem happens on mobile devices, 2nd one on a strong PC

Thank you!


  1. That should be ok. It could possibly happen if a pathfinding thread was calculating a really long path and didn’t gracefully manage to exit in time. I don’t think you have to worry about it, just make sure you are using a recent version.

  2. That’s more serious issue. Are you modifying any path callbacks or possibly calling seeker.StartPath with the same path object multiple times?

Generally i’m calling it like that:

if (!PathSeeker.IsDone())

PathSeeker.StartPath(_currentTransform.position, target,
      delegate (Path path)
           _path = path;
           _currentNode = 0;
       (1 << graphIndex));

Hm… That’s odd.
Which version are you using?
Can you reliably replicate the second issue?

Sorry for the late response, we had some delays and now i’m back on it. I can’t reproduce it relibably currently. If I do I’ll send you something. Anyway, my version is 4.0.10 (at least that’s the last entry in the changelog)