Seeker gets stuck for no apparent reason

I am using a point graph and AIPath to move an AI for a CPU player around the level in my game.

My seekers occasionally get stuck on a path for no apparent reason. It seems to be happening in the same spots over and over, but when they are stuck in these spots, there doesn’t appear to be anything in their way. I don’t get any error messages in the console when this happens. It’s like the AI just gives up.

Here’s the weird thing - I’ve experimented with turning certain components on and off, resetting certain values or the seeker’s target, recalculating the path…however, when a seeker gets stuck, the only thing that gets it moving again is to pause and unpause the game!

In this picture, the player with the blue circle under him was walking from the tables on the left to the counters on the right, but got stuck in the spot he is in right now. I paused and unpaused and he kept on going.

I am a student, and I only really started using Unity/C# at the start of this year. I think I’m kind of in over my head here. I have no idea what’s going on, or how to go about finding what’s going on. I’ve been trying to figure out for the past couple of days how I could use code to get them moving again when it happens, but it’s proven hard to do when I don’t know the exact cause behind it. Like I said, the only way I know how to fix it is to pause/unpause, and I certainly don’t want to be pause/unpausing all the time in the middle of a game.

ANY suggestions you could give me would be much appreciated. If there’s any more information I can give you, just let me know. I’ve been working on this project for a few weeks now, so there is a LOT of code involved, so I’m not even sure what would be useful to show you.

The only thing I can think of is some Unity bug that existed a few versions ago where the CharacterController component would sometimes get stuck and the only way to make it move again would be to pause/unpause the game.

Does anything happen if you move the AI manually in the scene view?

Wow…I never thought to try that, but yeah. He’ll start moving again if I move it manually.

I tried to give him a kick-start through code by moving his position a bit but that doesn’t help.

Edit: Also tried a grid graph instead of a point graph, but I have the same issue.

I’m not sure what could be the cause then. The only thing I can think of is that the AI is blocked by some collider.