Saving custom data into PointNodes

Hey there,

I use data coming from external sources (real map data from Open Street Map), thus I have a custom made graph based on that. Every Node as a position but also some useful information for my game:

public class Node
    protected bool _intersect;
    protected Vector2 _position;
    protected List<int> _connected_node_ids;
    protected List<int> _connected_road_ids;

    public Vector2 position { get { return _position; } }

My question is, would it be possible to inject, in a way, my custom nodes with all their useful content, into a PointGraph? Then I could easily retrieve informations when I request for a path.


Yes this is possible. You could for example create a new subclass of the PointGraph like this:

In MyPointGraph.cs:

using UnityEditor;
using Pathfinding;

public class MyPointNode : PointNode {
	// additional data here

public class MyPointGraph : PointGraph {
	protected override PointNode[] CreateNodes (int count) {
		var nodes = new PointNode[count];

		for (int i = 0; i < nodeCount; i++) nodes[i] = new MyPointNode(active);
		return nodes;

In MyPointGraphEditor.cs (in an Editor folder):

using UnityEditor;
using Pathfinding;
[CustomGraphEditor(typeof(MyPointGraph), "My Point Graph")]
public class MyPointGraphEditor : PointGraphEditor {

The other option is to simply keep a

Dictionary<GraphNode, AdditionalNodeInfo> extraNodeInfo;

dictionary somewhere which you can use to look up the extra data.

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Hey Aron,
Thanks for your reply.

Just FYI, there is no method CreateNode to override PointGraph :S What do I need to use here?

Another question, what about saving this graph? Would my custom information saved with it or do I need to write my own saving system?



It might be that the CreateNodes method only exists in the beta version, Iā€™m not quite sure.

If you want to serialize the data you can override the GraphNode.SerializeNode and DeserializeNode methods in your node class. Node data is serialized in a binary format. You can check out how the other node types implement those methods for example usage.

Hey @aron_granberg, just to know, can you share with us when the CreateNodes method will be out of beta version and hit release version? I could use that :slight_smile:


That is unknown at this time. However you can already download the beta here:

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