Procedural dynamic 2D obstacles pathfinding in runtime generated world


How would you use this plugin to set agents to navigate through a 2D environment,
which is completely generated at runtime,
and contains dynamic objects, of varying size and shape, that change their size, rotation, position,
and must support adding of additional objects or their removal at any time?
The procedural world is not fully known at the point of navigation graph generation,
it is continued to be generated at runtime.

I have tried the procedural demo
and if you have any details how it is created,
i would appreciate the explanation.

I have seen the topic about suggesting grid and recast graph,
(Procedural World - Best Graph?)
and this topic for procedural dynamic terrain
Layered Grid based on procedural dynamic voxel terrain

Are there any limitations and/or drawbacks for grid / recast graph?
Which one is faster to generate / update / of better precision quality?

Thank you for your time,
Have a nice day


I would recommend a grid graph. Recast graphs do not support 2D colliders at the moment and grid graphs are usually much faster to update.
The procedural demo is created by using a normal grid graph together with the ProceduralGridMover component which will move the grid graph and update the necessary parts so that its center stays around a particular object (e.g the player).