Path visualisation

Hello, i am thinking about buying your asset, and i have a question:
Is it possible to create a visual path using A * Pathfinding? Do i need ALINE asset for this? I need to display the path as in the video below, are there any tips?



This is orthogonal to pathfinding. There are many plugins to Unity for drawing lines or dotted lines given a list of coordinates (including ALINE), you can use any one of them (or Unity’s built-in LineRenderer component).

Thanks for fast reply, this is good news.

Hello again! Today i buyed Pro version, and i have question about performance.
see this my little demo:
Why if i click in house - path calculate so long? this long time only if i click on second floor from street, if i click on 1st floor - calculating very fast.

my code is very simple:

		if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0))
            if(Physics.Raycast(cameraMain.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition), out RaycastHit hit))
                seeker.StartPath(transform.position, hit.point);

I found problem is to long calculating, if i set penalty, long path calculate too slow, Why?


Sorry for the late answer.
If the penalty is very high then the A* algorithm needs to search a lot more nodes to be able to guarantee that it finds the optimal path.

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