My enemy just walking in place (Character Controller)


I use sphere Collider (trigger) for my enemy to make the scene move when the player collide with enemy. (game over scene)

but the problem is, i use this script for make my enemy just walk in axis x :

 if (controller != null && controller.enabled) { 
 tr.position = position3D; 
deltaPosition.y = 0; 
deltaPosition.z = 0; 

when i play, it doesn’t work, my enemy just walking in place

pls help me. thx

Didn’t you get this to work a few days ago?

the script works if i didn’t use “Sphere Collider” .
but i have to used it to move to another scene
what should i do ?

i use this script for make Game Over scene, when Player collide with Enemy trigger

Are you using a SphereCollider as well as a character controller?
Or more importantly have you attached a rigidbody as well?
You should not use a rigidbody as well as a character controller. You should only use one of them.

can i use characterController to move to another scene?

Yes, CharacterControllers are detected by triggers. If that’s what you mean.

I dont know why my npc “fly” when i use CharacterController ?
and not move to another scene

but when i use Collider it worked, and move to another scene

you can check here :

  • Are you using a CharacterController now?
  • Are you using a rigidbody now?

yes,i use charactercontroller because Move method in Ai base

no, i didn’t use rigidbody.

Is your sphere collider attached to the player or the other object?

I use sphere collider only for Enemy
but for player i use charactercontroller

Ok. If you need to detect OnTriggerEnter you need to use a Rigidbody (for the enemy), not a CharacterController
Note that your code for deltaPosition can just be moved outside that IF statement to work with any movement method, not just a CharacterController.