How to let agent not rotate around when the path has been block


In Unity native NavMeshAgent, when the agent has been block by other agent or obstacle. it will try to move forward directly. (Blue Arrow in Video)

but in A* Pathfinding Project. the agent will try to move around a lot to avoid each other. which in my game i do not want them do that behavior. (Pink Arrow in Video)

the RichAI have a property called Stop when destination is crowded that behavior is work for my game. but unfortunately, i can’t set the destination to the wall.

when the agent was created , the destination has been set to command center (the main building). so they all run to attack it. when they reach the wall , they will stop to attack the wall, but those agent not attack at wall still think the command center is the destination.

i try to set

RVO Controller

Agent Time Horizon = 0
Obstacle Time Horizon = 0
flowFollowingStrength = 1

none of them work.

so how can i do that? thanks.


currently i found a solution. and the result is pretty good. and easy to implement.

so i just post here in case some have same problem.

all you need to do is disable RichAI rotation control. and do it manually by this code :

 var rotateQ = Quaternion.LookRotation(mRichAI.steeringTarget - mTrans.position);
 mTrans.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(mTrans.rotation, rotateQ, Time.deltaTime * $rotateDelta);