Get the seekers to fan around target

Im trying to make an action rpg style game. There are often multiple seekers, and they are often targeting one player. I dont mind if the seekers bump into each other while pathing (although preferably not), however my main goal is that when they reach the target they will not stand in each others space but keep a distance. Ive tried to add the dynamic grid obstacles component but that doesnt seem to work very well. They will often back track, or change places, or even just stand in the “unreachable” nodes anyway.

Any help appreciated. Thanks!

is the game in 2d or 3d?

Sorry for the late reply- holidays. Its a 3d project but movement is only on 2 planes. I used rvo to get closer to the behaviour I am after, but the first seeker will often get pushed closer to the destination as the other seekers make their way. It would be preferable if they held their distance


is the first seeker being pushed because of collision? you could reduce the mass of moving units. and/or freeze the constraints of the units that aren’t moving.

im not sure how your movement system is setup or how the seekers are issued their target, but if your problem is that all the seekers are being sent to the same location you could instead put a circle collider around the target and instead of ordering the seekers to move to the target order them to move to


this will keep the units spread out and not crashing into each other as much.

Ill test these out. Thank you!


What many games do is that they have some ‘attack points’ around a target. For example 6 points in a circle around the target. If an enemy wants to attack the unit it will reserve the closest attack point that has not already been reserved by another enemy and move there. This results in pretty nice surrounding behavior of the target and as a bonus it works well even if the enemies do not have any collision between each other.