Feature suggestion

Quick suggestion for more out of the box commands that would be easy to implement.

One of the main things I picked ALINE up for was a quick way to gizmo in ECS and the first thing I wanted to do was make a debug for the camera, however this required a lot of fiddly drawing with wire rectangles and lines so having an out of the box trapezoidal prism, if just fot debugging ECS converted cameras, would be be neat.

However just having a solid and wire cone shape would be great as that is also not something you can do out of the box requiring multiple triangle draws, depending on the number of sides the pyrmid shape should have.

Those are great suggestions!

I haven’t used ecs converted cameras myself and I couldn’t find much information about them. Would you mind pointing me to how they are defined? Or are they just an abstraction you have built for your game?

When you use the convert to entity monoBehaviour the camera simply disappears from the scene view as it’s no longer a game object, creating the new entity with a “Camera” component, But this mans it is then very hard to debug camera issues.

So I added a system for all Camera entities that drew a cylinder aligned with the camera and added to wire rectangles for the close and far planes and linked them together, though it was fairly fiddly to do and get the angles right, Using camera.farClipPlane and camera.nearClipPlane along with the viewport rect to then draw 2 wire squares and then lines to join them together.