[Feature Request] Billboard rendering and donut gizmo

nice to meet you.

I think this asset is great, and I’m hoping it will be a better asset, so I’d like to say a few more things. I don’t know if these are the features you are planning in the future, but I think they will be very useful.

  1. Billboard Rendering
    When drawing a wireframe mesh, the shape looks distorted unless viewed from the front.
    Unity’s built-in Sphere Collider solves this problem by drawing a circle that maintains the Billboard Rendering. I have attached screenshots for your reference.screenshot
    Also, when drawing the wire representing the back side, Unity lowered the alpha value. This will make it much more readable when there are many gizmos in the scene.

  2. Arc by angle
    Currently in ALINE, arcs are drawn by specifying the center of the circle and two points instead of specifying the angle directly. This is useful in some cases, but not in others.
    I would like you to add the way to draw arcs in UnityEditor.Handles.DrawWireArc() to ALINE.

  3. Donut Gizmo
    There can be many different types of ranges, but I want to talk about ranges of distances.
    If you want to draw a range of 1m <x <3m for a specific location, it will have to be drawn in the shape of a 3m donut with a 1m empty hole in the middle. I have so far solved this by just drawing two wire circles, but this is not a good way. So it would be very useful if you had this feature.
    In addition, I think it would be better if it could be expressed like an arc by specifying an angle.

I used a translator to write, but I’m not sure if it will be delivered properly.
Thank you all the time for your hard work.