Error everytime I play the scene

I get this error anytime I press Play:


When I double-click on it I get to DrawingData.cs, line 920. (Latest beta version in the package manager.)

i have the same error on 4.3.34 / its appear when unit in the scene . if i add it to scene after start no error/ and no errors on 4.3.33

2019.4.8. LTS android build

Hmm. Okay. Looks like a Unity bug, but I can work around it.

I cannot replicate the error itself, but I will include what I think is a fix in the next beta version.


Okay, thanks. BTW, with the last update I think, a game object called “RetainedGizmos” appears in my scene from time to time. It doesn’t even have a Transform.

I have the same error too, I am in 2020.1.4f1

That’s odd. There is indeed an object named RetainedGizmos, but it should be marked with flags that hide it in the hierarchy.

For what it’s worth we’re getting a similar issue but I can still Play. It’s just any edit to a script will cause a full re-import of all the assets.

Looking at the latest import log. Drawing Data tries to import an asset, the asset import crashes, it recalculates the hashes and then complains of a bunch of collection leaks and then tries the next one.

That error is not related to this package. The DrawingData just refreshes the asset database, it didn’t try to load a particular asset. It looks like that asset came from the SteamVR package.

Ah okay my bad. It does seem to be the way SteamVR is marking resources as dirty which is triggering re-imports and causing an infinite loop. Take care :v:

It seems it’s a bug that happens due to a combination of another asset I use (QHierarchy) and Unity 2019.4.9 - I will report again if it happens again under other circumstances.