"Directory does not exist" error when using non-standard installation directory

We move 3rd party libraries into a dedicated folder in the project under “Assets/ThirdParty”. We moved your pathfinding solution to “Assets/ThirdParty/AstarPathfindingProject”.

This causes the following error message to appear, whenever we try to access the “Optimization” group in the “Astar Path” Component. The optimization group displays only a Refresh and Apply button along with a help text.

Directory does not exist (C:/game/Assets/AstarPathfindingProject)
Pathfinding.OptimizationHandler:FindDefines(String, Dictionary2) (at Assets/ThirdParty/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/OptimizationHandler.cs:60) Pathfinding.OptimizationHandler:FindDefines(Dictionary2) (at Assets/ThirdParty/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/OptimizationHandler.cs:41)
AstarPathEditor:DrawOptimizationSettings() (at Assets/ThirdParty/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/AstarPathEditor.cs:955)
AstarPathEditor:DrawMainArea() (at Assets/ThirdParty/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/AstarPathEditor.cs:927)
AstarPathEditor:OnInspectorGUI() (at Assets/ThirdParty/AstarPathfindingProject/Editor/AstarPathEditor.cs:453)

Support for non-standard installation paths would be useful.

Good point. I will move this to the feature requests forum.


This error exists in Astar Pathfinding 3.6.5 beta pro with Unity3d 5.0.1f1.
I think the support for relative installation paths is essential for better organization of projects.


I have fixed this now in 3.6.6.
You can download the latest beta version here: http://arongranberg.com/astar/download

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