Compatibility issue with DOTween

was Trying to use A* pathfinding project Pro Latest Version with Dotween Pro Latest version with unity 2017.4.0f1

when I install A* then transform.DoPath Breaks

otherwise it works All Fine
when I delete A* it again starts working

A* is breaking transform.DoPath functionality from DOtween

: error CS1929: Type UnityEngine.Transform' does not contain a memberDOPath’ and the best extension method overload DG.Tweening.ShortcutExtensions.DOPath(this UnityEngine.Rigidbody, UnityEngine.Vector3[], float, DG.Tweening.PathType, DG.Tweening.PathMode, int, UnityEngine.Color?)' requires an instance of typeUnityEngine.Rigidbody’


Could you post the line of code (and a few lines around it) that is causing the error?
Is this the only error that is logged?

public void start_moving()
var myPAth= transform.DOPath(Globals.path.vectorPath,(float) unit.Speed * Globals.path.vectorPath.Count,PathType.Linear,PathMode.Full3D,10,null);


Assets/_Project/_Scripts/UnitMover.cs(34,33): error CS1929: Type UnityEngine.Transform' does not contain a memberDOPath’ and the best extension method overload DG.Tweening.ShortcutExtensions.DOPath(this UnityEngine.Rigidbody, UnityEngine.Vector3[], float, DG.Tweening.PathType, DG.Tweening.PathMode, int, UnityEngine.Color?)' requires an instance of typeUnityEngine.Rigidbody’

Hm… Strange. So it looks like some extension method that DOTween uses is not working anymore.
You didn’t move around some folders while you did this that could change the compilation order perhaps?

That start_moving method seems to use some code related to this pathfinding package. Are you sure that code was actually compiled when you hadn’t imported the pathfinding package?

ok Apparently it was mistake on my end I thought A* path.vectorpath is array instead of list where as dotween’s DoPath takes array as parameter.

is there anyway I can make A* return array instead of list?


You can convert it to an array using
